A thrilling physical journey that allows an approach to the darkness, where it is scary to look. It appeals to the viewer's civil responsibility and forces them to face the limits of their own solidarity.
It follows a group of mercenary leaders in a country retreat after pulling off a raid on a drugs gang. Things take a turn for the worse after they raise the attentions of 'The Stoic', a man from an ancient clan of smugglers.
When a favored incumbent suddenly suspends his candidacy for Congress, an embittered but brilliant campaign strategist is lured out of retirement and convinces Reverend Dave Hill to run for office. The race pits them both against formidable opponents from
汤姆·希林//莎斯琪亚·罗森道尔//阿尔布雷希特·舒赫//梅雷特·贝克尔//米夏埃尔·维滕博恩//安妮·贝南特/ Thomas Dehler/ Petra Kalkutschke/ Elmar Gutmann/ Aljoscha Stadelmann/ Eva Medusa Gühne/ Luise Aschenbrenner/
Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique
故事发生在一家名为卢蒙的超级大公司内,一种名为记忆分割术的全新技术正在公司内部进行实验,接受了手术的员工将进行人格分离手术,形成公司人格和日常人格,当踏进公司大门的那一刻,他们的日常人格就会陷入沉睡,身体由公司人格主导。相对的,在离开公司的那一刻,日常人格会重新接管身体,当然,这个人格不会记得任何在公司里发生的事情。马克(亚当·斯科特 Adam Scott 饰)、迪伦(扎克·切利 Zach Cherry 饰)和埃尔文(约翰·特托罗 John Turturro 饰)三人都接受了分离手术,这一天,他们所在的部
Marigaby Tamayo is an ambitious medical student who spends her nights saving lives throughout a sprawling, contrasted and fascinating Mexico City aboard her family's privately owned ambulance.
以乡村生活为主题的综艺,是讲述受到来自城市的"Gen-Z"(1990年代中期~2010年代初期出生的一代)喜爱的艺人们乡村生活的样子的节目。除了五位主持人之外,节目组每集还邀请了活跃在各个领域的 Z 世代特邀嘉宾,因无论在哪里寻找属于自己“时尚”城市的Z世代出演者究竟会以怎样的面貌适应乡村生活而备受关注。